Within the community, a common response to this frequent Warlock complaint is that armor is kind of unimpressive across the board in Destiny 2 when compared to the first Destiny, and sure. Warlock is objectively the worst class for PvP, you have a total of zero decent exotics, you have complete inability to have wallhacks like the other 2 classes do, you have the second least useful jump, the slowest melee, the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ class ability (for PvP), in addition to all that the 2 specs that were decent at one point GM Nightfalls are more about enemies one-shotting you from miles away, you being severely underleveled, limited revives, champions, and other frustrating modifiers Destiny 2 Best Exotic Armour: The Best Armour For Titan, Hunter and Warlock Titan If you're looking to attempt endgame PvE content, then the Orpheus Rig is a great choice. : destiny2 Personally, I think the Dark Coven gear is the best looking warlock set of WotLK. Eye of Another World (helmet) - Highlights priority enemies and improves the regeneration of your grenade, melee, and rift abilities. 2 Let’s cut to the chase, you’re probably here because you’re looking for the best-looking armor sets in Destiny 2.They are a carryover from Destiny 1, and their only benefit is a mild increase in speed, and partial ammo reloads for one weapon.